15 July 2014

Humans have played games since the dawn of time, as it is a means to have fun, to socialise, to compete and to build a reward system through progression, accomplishment and ultimately a win.

Gamification in market research strives to bring this natural human tendency to surveying, by applying game thinking and game mechanics to engage users in solving problems.

The idea behind it is to convert respondents into players, by offering not a survey but an experience. The key is that players don’t need to be tense nor mentally prepared before setting forth to play. We are not completing a survey in exchange for reward points or a chance to win an iPad. No, this is an experience we were born to enjoy!

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The traditional web survey is no longer the only player in the online research ecosystem.

Over the past few years, we have witnessed the emergence of:

Social Media Research;
Do It Yourself Research (DIY) and;
Mobile Research.
Traditional web surveys are not disappearing anytime soon. However, their results can often times be complemented by integrating new practices such as social media research, DIY and mobile research into the process.

The online research toolbox is getting richer and market research firms need to adapt to this new reality or risk losing ground to firms specializing in these new techniques.

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Récemment, l’humoriste Boucar Diouf a cité la blague suivante dans les pages débats du journal La Presse :

En 1985, année du fameux spectacle USA for Africa, on a posé la question suivante à la planète : Quelle est votre opinion sur l’état de la pénurie alimentaire dans le reste du monde?

Un sondage qui avait fait patate parce que les Éthiopiens interrogés ne savaient pas ce qu’est un aliment, les Européens ne savaient pas ce qu’est une pénurie, les Russes ne savaient pas ce qu’est une opinion et les Américains ne savaient pas ce qu’est le reste du monde!

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1 April 2014

In almost all quantitative studies, the final sample is weighted to better account for the population it seeks to represent. A target population always has specificities, be it in terms of region, age, gender, or any other target characteristic (i.e.: consumption of some sort of yogurt or membership to some financial institution).

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