2 April 2019

Croissance est sans aucun doute le mot qui définit le mieux la dernière année chez Ad hoc! Nous avons une bonne nouvelle ce matin : un nouvel adhocien se joint à nous : Vince Franco. Ayant plus de 22 ans d'expérience, il se joint à l'équipe des spécialistes en traitement statistique. Bienvenue dans notre belle équipe!

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15 March 2019

You may be surprised, but your culture can become the best asset for your employment brand! « A company’s branding should be an identifier to the company’s culture. When an applicant applies for a position, they aren’t just seeking a role in the company. They’re applying to become a part of the culture. » Here are 3 tips to follow to communicate well your employment brand

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14 March 2019

La demande étant de plus en plus grande, nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que l’équipe Ad hoc s’agrandit de jour en jour! Aujourd’hui, nous n’accueillons pas un, mais bien deux nouveaux adhociens : Anny Corrales et Ian Gartner se joignent à l’équipe d’analystes et nous sommes enchantés de les compter parmi nous. Bienvenue dans la grande famille Ad hoc!

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In a recent qualitative study conducted for one of our clients, we asked participants to rate their satisfaction towards a service on a scale of 1 to 10 (revolutionary, isn’t it)? Most answers were between 7 and 9. We repeated the exercise, with the same question and the same topic, but this time exclusively with participants of a specific cultural group. Answers were almost exclusively 5’s and 6’s.

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11 February 2019

The Ad Hoc Research team continues to grow and we are very pleased to announce a brand new addition to our team. This morning, Corinne Morin, data visualisation specialist, joins the Ad Hoc family. Welcome among us!

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