Other than a classic of its time, Daft Punk’s harder, better, faster, stronger hit song has become a classic motivational anthem for many people: Gym rats and casual joggers, of course, but also young professionals looking to impress their bosses or university students on their straight A path to success. In a world that is ever more performance-driven, there is an industry that aims to give you an edge, to help you in on a little known secret formula to a better you and that is none other than the supplementation industry. Similar to pharmaceutical companies who have a pill to solve any and all itches and illnesses, supplementation distributors promise strength, health, higher brain functions and a stable mood to boot, all in a half cup of magical powder or in a handful of caplets! The promises offered by supplement distributors are numerous and they are, in my opinion, highly effective in our modern world for a few reasons:
Études d’image de marque
Products and services are increasingly focused in the way they are made and marketed to the potential client. Companies tend to their flock of fans – potential and loyal alike – by learning about all that makes them tick which, in turn, encourages the birth of über-fans. When a niche of über-fans is well tended to, a fascinating phenomenon can happen, where they start behaving like a hive-mind, regrouping like-wise thinkers who actively defend their modern fandom like zealots.
You may have heard of such groups and their accompanying rivalries; you may even be part of one: Mac vs. PC, Playstation vs. Xbox, Honda vs. Volkswagen, and the list goes on and on. The modern marketing war is no longer waged with TV ads saying Pepsi is better than Coke; it is now waged on social media with memes being thrown at each other’s Facebook walls and Twitter accounts. The level of engagement can range from simply liking everything that shines a positive light on a company to literally stalking the posts of rival brands to brag about how much their own side is better.
You may wonder at this point, why is the behaviour of über-fans so important?
En savoir plusSo you want to jump onboard the online reporting trend, but don’t know where to start? At Ad Hoc Research, we’ve been fortunate enough to get in on the trend rather early. In fact, after two years of intensively using an online reporting and dashboarding tool, my colleagues and I have come to the conclusion that […]
En savoir plus12 mai 2015
Early adopter. Telle est, en bon français, la terminologie généralement utilisée pour référer à ces enthousiastes impatients d’obtenir la nouveauté de l’heure. Ce phénomène, omniprésent dans le monde des technologies, est aussi bien visible dans des domaines aussi variés que les cosmétiques, la mode ou l’alimentation.
Indépendamment de leur marché de prédilection, ces adeptes de la première heure doivent être chouchoutés parce qu’ils sont une ressource inestimable pour toute entreprise à vocation commerciale. En effet, … :
Ils sont passionnés.
Ils sont bruyants, que ce soit positivement ou négativement.
Ils ont de l’écho, leur opinion étant diffusée à des milliers d’acheteurs potentiels grâce aux réseaux sociaux.
Leur opinion se rend là où la publicité peine à trouver sa place (le deuxième écran).
12 août 2014
Call it a trade bias, but I’m always curious to know what people around me think about brands, products and ad campaigns. So when I recently found myself in the grocery store with my boyfriend and picked up a milk carton, I asked him: “So, did you notice the new packaging for Natrel? What do […]
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