CATÉGORIES : Groupes de discussion
27 octobre 2015

At Ad Hoc Research, we conduct groups in sizes ranging anywhere from pairs to 8 individuals, depending on specific project objectives. In some rare, specific instances, we would even work with 9 or 10. The most common group size with our client base is 6 to 8. The research industry as a whole seems to be gravitating […]

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CATÉGORIES : Actualités
14 octobre 2015

Every time I’ve tested products, services or brands in focus groups in recent years, participants have stressed the importance of local products*. In qualitative research, local companies, brands or products are often preferred over others, and the reasons for gravitating towards these are legion… Higher quality perception: For example, fruits and vegetables are considered fresher; […]

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CATÉGORIES : Mesures de satisfaction de la clientèle
29 septembre 2015

For the better part of a decade, I was a tracking study specialist. Some clients thought Customer-Service was my last name and others were surprised to find out I also did other types of studies, even qualitative ones.

One such client was a small bank which surpassed its early expectations so much that they decided to expand and branch out, and they started buying insurance companies left and right, going outside their fields of expertise to diversify their assets.

Tracking studies helped them improve the service and their product offerings in some sectors while assessing what wasn’t working. Customer satisfaction trackings with existing customers, new clients and former consumers being treated and surveyed equally let them improve the parts of the business that clients – the brand’s source of income and profit – were witnesses to. This gave the head honchos enough time to convene, analyse the data and cross-reference it with their internal accounting, and take the required amount of time to turn their ship around and figure out which assets to keep and which didn’t fit their business model as well as they’d initially thought.

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CATÉGORIES : Actualités
15 septembre 2015

Avez-vous déjà compté le nombre de cartes de programmes de fidélisation qui dorment tout au fond de votre portefeuille? J’ai fait l’exercice et voici ce que j’y ai trouvé : des cartes de magasins de vêtements (American Eagle, Dynamite, etc. de pharmacies (Jean Coutu), de restaurants et cafés (David’s Tea, Starbucks, etc.) ainsi que d’innombrables déclinaisons de cartes de crédit permettant de cumuler des points. Au total, plus d’une dizaine de cartes, la plupart rarement utilisées voire carrément oubliées.

Ce rapide décompte démontre ce que tout un chacun a pu remarquer au cours des dernières années : les programmes de fidélisation sont omniprésents! C’est notamment le cas dans les chaînes de supermarchés. Ainsi, Metro vous envoie un chèque-récompenses mensuel, IGA vous octroie des AirMiles alors que Loblaws, Provigo et Maxi vous font des offres personnalisées sur la base de vos achats. Les bénéfices pour les clients sont évidents puisqu’ils obtiennent, à terme, des gratuités et des rabais sans changer, du moins en apparence, leurs habitudes d’achat.

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So you want to jump onboard the online reporting trend, but don’t know where to start?  At Ad Hoc Research, we’ve been fortunate enough to get in on the trend rather early.  In fact, after two years of intensively using an online reporting and dashboarding tool, my colleagues and I have come to the conclusion that […]

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